Among the tasks and obligations of a Property Administration is not only that of solve problems in neighboring communities , but also listening to our customers and friends to find out what their proposals and suggestions are and with them improve every day.
Thanks to this extra motivation, in our constant dialogue with our clients we have dedicated the last few months to probing which are the issues that most concern the members of a community of neighbors in order to adapt our services to the needs of those to whom we provide them.
Topics that interest the residents of a community.
As a result of this analysis, we have confirmed that the topics that arouse the most interest among residents are:
1.- Management of collection of unpaid (delinquent)
2.- Efficient control of the expenditure of the community of neighbors.
3.- Quick and agile resolution of incidents. 4.- Permanent communication between administration and client
This information is of great help to professionals dedicated to Property Administration, since knowing the preferences and priorities of clients is a strategic aspect when it comes to efficiently meeting the needs of the communities.
Trust a professional Property Manager.
In this sense, Eliseo Mogica Serrano, Juan Francisco Gonzalez Olivas, and Antonio Martínez Fernández, managers of AFgestifinc, point out that this is a key moment in the world of property management where clients have evolved demanding rapid and efficient attention and the sector must react to it.l.
For this reason, continues Juan Francisco, the Property Administrations such as AFgestifinc that have chosen to modernize their processes with the implementation of new technologies, start with a certain advantage in terms of better customer service. Fast, efficient incident management and a 24-hour customer service are the new customer demands for which AF gestfinc is prepared.