If you find yourself needing to obtain a minute book for your community of owners, don’t worry, we will teach you how to do it yourself. It is very simple.
Step 1. The purchase of a minute book.
A minute book may be the typical bound one with maroon-colored hard covers and is unmistakably engraved as ‘Book of Minutes’, but it is not clear that you force yourself to write the minutes by hand and that nowadays is more a drawback than an advantage, but they exist and can be used.
We recommend that you buy a ring binder for A4 size sheets, with 100 sheets numbered from 1 to 100 indelibly. In order not to complicate your life, you can go to a tobacconist and buy 100 A4 sheets of stamped paper, numbered consecutively, in this case the numbering does not matter to you, it only has to be 100 consecutive numbers. Example: 65120 to 65220. That’s it.
Very important! Do not use any sheet, do not write anything. Until the book has been sealed by the Property Registry of your district, you must not use the book at any time. All 100 sheets must be blank.
If it is a new Community or one that is going to request a minute book for the first time, the constitutional act where a President and other positions have been appointed, if applicable, a budget or the opening of a current account in a bank and the disposition formula, will be written on a separate sheet of paper and will be signed by the President and Secretary if there is one. When we have obtained the completed book (registered and sealed by the Registry) then we will rewrite or print the constitutional act in our book.
Step 2. Complete an application form to the Property Registrar of your district.
The unused minutes book will be delivered to the Registry of the property, of the area or district to which the community corresponds by geographical location, and you must accompany it with a form or instance requesting the Registry to register the new book.
We have the necessary data to fill in the request in the Horizontal Division Deed of the building or in your deed of purchase-sale of your home or premises. CLICK THE LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE MODEL IN PDF
a) If it is a case of a new book because the previous one has been exhausted: You must accompany the new blank book, the previous book that is already filled out. It is not necessary to have the last record, if it did not fit in the previous book.
b) If you request a new book due to loss or theft: You must file a complaint as President at the Local Police station and accompany the complaint to the application instance.
If you still have doubts or want us to do it for you CONTACT US